breaking away

英 [ˈbreɪkɪŋ əˈweɪ] 美 [ˈbreɪkɪŋ əˈweɪ]

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  1. Many servants are breaking away from their masters these days.
  2. Another tactic: Build time for mind wandering into daily routines, breaking away from tasks requiring concentration to take a walk or run, look out a window or do some relaxing, routine physical task.
  3. 'Being creative is breaking away from tradition, order and convention, and a disorderly environment seems to help people do just that,' says the study, published in Psychological Science.
  4. The doctor finally reached his table at a dinner, after breaking away from a woman who sought advice on a health problem.
  5. Historians hail Munch for breaking away from the Impressionists who still held sway over the art world in the late 19th century.
  6. But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting in new world.
  7. So, there can be a sane society, a sane world, only when you, as part of that society, that world, are breaking away, that is, becoming sane;
  8. He considered breaking away from the clan.
  9. "Well, I'll be going, barney," said one, breaking away and so addressing the manager." see you this afternoon. "
  10. Many land-requisitioned peasants encountered structural in-adaptability in the process of breaking away peasants'identity and became urban employment.
  11. If breaking away from the epochal background and merely analyzing from the artistic and aesthetic perspective of the texts, this kind of writing tendency was not suitable in love and marriage subject.
  12. The modernization of legal system is the course of transition and evolution in which the law and its system have been breaking away from ancient traditions towards modern civilization.
  13. When you first discussed breaking away from certain once exciting arrangements, you worried the process would be both drawn out and complicated by emotional dramas.
  14. Cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets. Only the breaking away of the moon from the earth as a single fragment seems definitely excluded.
  15. To ensure that doesn't happen, he shifts into overdrive, calling clients while ferrying relatives to his son's christening, and breaking away from a family barbecue to contact a customer about a deal.
  16. There frequently occur roof subsidence, roof warping, and roof breaking away in Caves excavated in medium-thin bedded sandstones, but roof sheet-like peeling is rarely seen.
  17. The new algorithm includes the mutation operator during the running time which can be useful to improve the ability of PSO in breaking away from the local optimum.
  18. But some monastic breached Buddhism commandment, exceeded conventional conception of breaking away family, they kissed the cup, or ate meat, or concerned politics and military affairs, or aspired after fame and gain.
  19. That the mind of man is never satisfied with the objects immediately before it, but is always breaking away from the present moment, and losing itself in schemes of future felicity.
  20. Henrycut ties with the Roman Catholic Church, and the common English people welcomed and supported Henry's decision of breaking away from Rome.
  21. Add to this that Gray, the new man, had his face tied up in a bandage for a cut he had got in breaking away from the mutineers;
  22. Contemporary architecture is breaking away from the norm more and more, becoming more focused on the individual self.
  23. An instance of suddenly breaking away or off. Research on Fracture and Crack Arrest in Ship Structures
  24. True, breaking away early from what Morgan Stanley dubs the monetary policy peloton isn't without risks.
  25. Only the breaking away of the moon from the earth as a single fragment seems definitely excluded.
  26. On the other hand, in China it is related to breaking away from invasion and miserable fate.
  27. The chief character of the nonlinear evolutional model is imbalance evolution and breaking away from continuity.
  28. Also I executed the dynamic and kinematic analysis for its several working conditions such as high speed straight line travel, low speed straight line travel, breaking away and cornering, and then I did the kinematic analysis according its self-locking and self-unlocking function.



  1. departing hastily

    1. the act of breaking away or withdrawing from
      1. there was a breakaway by the discontented members
      2. a breaking away from family and neighborhood

      Synonym:    breakaway